CAT news announcement

Centre for Alternative Technology

Masterplan Strategy







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Supporting the business case for a new world-class masterplan to secure the future of a key Welsh asset.

The Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) project involved business case and consultation support in the creation of an ambitious masterplan to create a world-class visitor experience at the Welsh eco centre. The project involves the creation of new spaces to provide education in sustainable solutions and to deliver green skills, as well as an immersive tourism experience that inspires people to take action on environmental issues.

CAT is widely regarded as a pioneer organisation in the disciplines of sustainable design and eco-living. It has focused on these core principles for more than two decades, and as an educational institution it retains strong relationships with many of the UK’s top universities; providing a variety of courses that develop an integrated understanding of both environmental change, and the implementation of sustainable principles in design and construction.

The masterplan project is set to be delivered over a ten-year period, providing new learning facilities, new student accommodation, a café, restaurant and improved back of house facilities. The business case is equally focused on the educational offering and visitor attractions, creating a sustainable future for the centre, and providing more educational resource to supplement the variety of courses on offer.

A potential start date for Phase 1 of the project, should funding approval be obtained, is in Spring 2023.

Project Gallery

CAT news announcement